Packages added to Scientific Linux
- SL_disable_print_notification-1.0-4: Disable eggcups notification
- SL_enable_serialconsole-3.1-3: Script to enable serial console in all the right places.
- SL_enable_slocate_cron-1.0-1: This modifies the slocate config file, so slocate run's nightly
- SL_inittab_change-1.0-6: Adds standard shell at RL 1 entries in /etc/inittab
- SL_no_colorls-1.0-2: This will change the default ls behavior to no color
- SL_pc_speaker-1.0-1: Enables the PC speaker by loading the driver.
- SL_rpm_show_arch-1.0-1: Set it so that general rpm queries show the rpm's arch
- SL_sendmail_accept-1.1-1: This will enable sendmail to accept mail from the outside world
- gv-3.5.8-29: A X front-end for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter.
- jpilot-0.99.7-2: Jpilot pilot desktop software
- ncurses4-5.0-12: A backwards compatible version of ncurses.
- pine-4.62-1.SL: Commonly used, MIME compliant mail and news reader
- readline41-4.1-17: A library for editing typed in command lines.
- xmms-mp3-1.2.10-11.1.SL: XMMS plugin for mp3 playback.