Scientific Linux 3.0.6 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction The following topics are covered in this document: o Changes to the Scientific Linux installation program (Anaconda) o General information o Kernel-related information o Changes to drivers and hardware support o Changes to packages Changes to the Scientific Linux Installation Program (Anaconda) The following section includes information specific to the Scientific Linux installation program, Anaconda. Note In order to upgrade an already-installed Scientific Linux 3.0.x system to 3.0.6, you must use yum or apt to update those packages that have changed. The use of Anaconda to upgrade to 3.0.6 is not supported. Use Anaconda only to perform a fresh install of Scientific Linux 3.0.6. o Systems using storage attached to Fibre Channel host bus adapters (FC HBAs) may encounter issues during installation due to PCI device load ordering. To address this issue, a new boot option called latefcload was developed to delay the loading of FC HBAs until other storage devices have been loaded. To use the latefcload option, enter the following at the Scientific Linux 3.0.6 installation boot prompt: linux latefcload General Information This section contains general information not specific to any other section of this document. o In RPM versions 4.1 and greater (included in Scientific Linux 3.0.x releases), the rpm command no longer uses the name of the package to determine what is being upgraded or freshened (the -U or -F flags, respectively). Instead, rpm analyzes both what the package provides and the package name. This change was made in order to support obsoleting of packages based on what it provides rather than package names only. However, this has led to behavior changes between pre-4.1 and post-4.1 versions of rpm when using the -U or -F flags to install newer versions of packages. For example, if you have both the kernel and kernel-smp packages installed and issue the following command: rpm -F kernel-<version>.rpm The kernel-smp package will be entirely removed, leaving only an upgraded kernel package. This is because both packages provide kernel capabilities and the kernel package is the primary provider of kernel capabilities because the name of the package is an exact match, which means that the kernel package obsoletes the kernel-smp package. Therefore, it is not recommended that users use the -F or -U flag when upgrading kernels. Use the -i flag instead. Note The default behavior for yum is to install (not update or freshen) kernel packages. This behavior is independent of changes in rpm functionality. o The search order of the su command has been changed in Scientific Linux 3.0.6. In previous versions, the su command's $PATH search was set in the following order: /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin The updated version of su searches in the following order: /sbin, /bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin. o Netdump, the service that provides crash memory images across a network to a central server, now supports taking a kernel crash dump over bonded network interfaces. At this time, only bonding mode 1 (Active-Backup) is supported. Kernel-Related Information This section contains information related to the Scientific Linux 3.0.6 kernel. o Scientific Linux 3.0.6 features improved support for dual-core processors. o Kernel and user support for 2 terabyte partitions on block devices is now available in Scientific Linux 3.0.6. o Local kernel crash dump (diskdump) support has been included in Compaq SMART Array controller (cciss) module. Ensure that the diskdumputils package is installed to use the diskdump facility. For more information, refer to: /usr/share/doc/diskdumputils-<version>/README Note If a cciss device is enabled for diskdump (that is, it is listed as the DEVICE in /etc/sysconfig/diskdump), and you want to unload and reload the cciss driver, the diskdump service must be stopped before unloading the cciss driver, then restarted after loading the driver again. For example: service diskdump stop rmmod cciss modprobe cciss service diskdump start If you do not stop and restart the diskdump service, the system will hang when it starts to perform a crash dump, and the dump file will not be written. This issue will be addressed in a future release of Scientific Linux 3.0.x by disallowing the cciss driver from being unloaded if it controls the dump device while the diskdump service is running. Changes to Drivers and Hardware Support This update includes bug fixes for a number of drivers. The more significant driver updates are listed below. In some cases, the original driver has been preserved under a different name, and is available as a non-default alternative for organizations that wish to migrate their driver configuration to the latest versions at a later time. Note The migration to the latest drivers should be completed before the next Scientific Linux 3.0.x update is applied, because in most cases only one older-revision driver will be preserved for each update. These release notes also indicate which older-revision drivers have been removed from this kernel update. These drivers have the base driver name with the revision digits appended; for example, megaraid_2002.o. You must remove these drivers from /etc/modules.conf before installing this kernel update. Keep in mind that the only definitive way to determine what drivers are being used is to review the contents of /etc/modules.conf. Use of the lsmod command is not a substitute for examining this file. o 3Ware 9000 Series SATA RAID (3w-9xxx) -- o Compaq SMART Array controllers (cciss) -- 2.4.58.RH1 o Intel(R) PRO/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter (e100) -- 3.4.8-k2 o Intel(R) PRO/1000 Ethernet Adapter (e1000) -- 6.0.54-k2 o Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel HBA (lpfc) -- 7.3.2 o Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel IOCTLs (lpfcdfc) -- 1.2.1 o Fusion-MPT HBA (fusion) -- 2.06.16i.01 o iSCSI devices (iscsi) -- o Intelligent Platform Management Interface (ipmi) -- v35 o QLogic Fibre Channel HBA (qlogic) -- 7.05.00-RH1 o Broadcom Tigon 3 Ethernet Adapter (tg3) -- 3.27RH o SATA support (core, libata, and various drivers) Changes to Packages This section contains listings of packages that have been updated or added from Scientific Linux 3.0.x as part of 3.0.6. The following packages have been updated from Scientific Linux 3.0.5: o ImageMagick-5.5.6-13 => ImageMagick-5.5.6-15 o ImageMagick-c++-5.5.6-13 => ImageMagick-c++-5.5.6-15 o ImageMagick-c++-devel-5.5.6-13 => ImageMagick-c++-devel-5.5.6-15 o ImageMagick-devel-5.5.6-13 => ImageMagick-devel-5.5.6-15 o ImageMagick-perl-5.5.6-13 => ImageMagick-perl-5.5.6-15 o SysVinit-2.85-4.2 => SysVinit-2.85-4.4 o XFree86-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-14-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-14-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-14-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-14-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-2-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-2-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-Mesa-libGLU-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-Mesa-libGLU-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-Xnest-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-Xnest-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-Xvfb-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-Xvfb-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-base-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-base-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-cyrillic-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-cyrillic-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-devel-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-devel-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-doc-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-doc-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-font-utils-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-font-utils-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-libs-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-libs-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-libs-data-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-libs-data-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-sdk-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-sdk-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-syriac-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-syriac-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-tools-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-tools-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-truetype-fonts-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-truetype-fonts-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-twm-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-twm-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-xauth-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-xauth-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-xdm-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-xdm-4.3.0-89.EL o XFree86-xfs-4.3.0-81.EL => XFree86-xfs-4.3.0-89.EL o am-utils-6.0.9-2.4 => am-utils-6.0.9-2.5 o amanda-2.4.4p1-0.3E => amanda-2.4.4p1-0.3E.1 o amanda-client-2.4.4p1-0.3E => amanda-client-2.4.4p1-0.3E.1 o amanda-devel-2.4.4p1-0.3E => amanda-devel-2.4.4p1-0.3E.1 o amanda-server-2.4.4p1-0.3E => amanda-server-2.4.4p1-0.3E.1 o ami-1.2.2-3 => ami-1.2.2-6.EL o anaconda- => anaconda- o anaconda-runtime- => anaconda-runtime- o autofs-4.1.3-130 => autofs-4.1.3-150 o binutils- => binutils- o bonobo-activation-2.2.2-1 => bonobo-activation-2.2.2-1.2E o bonobo-activation-devel-2.2.2-1 => bonobo-activation-devel-2.2.2-1.2E o bzip2-1.0.2-11.EL3.1 => bzip2-1.0.2-11.EL3.4 o bzip2-devel-1.0.2-11.EL3.1 => bzip2-devel-1.0.2-11.EL3.4 o bzip2-libs-1.0.2-11.EL3.1 => bzip2-libs-1.0.2-11.EL3.4 o comps-3AS-0.20050512 => comps-3AS-0.20050821 o control-center- => control-center- o coreutils-4.5.3-26 => coreutils-4.5.3-28 o cpio-2.5-3e.3 => cpio-2.5-4.RHEL3 o cpp-3.2.3-52 => cpp-3.2.3-53 o crash-3.10-10 => crash-4.0-1 o cups-1.1.17-13.3.27 => cups-1.1.17-13.3.32 o cups-devel-1.1.17-13.3.27 => cups-devel-1.1.17-13.3.32 o cups-libs-1.1.17-13.3.27 => cups-libs-1.1.17-13.3.32 o diskdumputils-1.0.1-4 => diskdumputils-1.1.7-1 o dos2unix-3.1-15 => dos2unix-3.1-15.EL.21 o elinks-0.4.2-7 => elinks-0.4.2-8 o emacs-21.3-4.1 => emacs-21.3-4.7 o emacs-el-21.3-4.1 => emacs-el-21.3-4.7 o emacs-leim-21.3-4.1 => emacs-leim-21.3-4.7 o ethereal-0.10.10-1.EL3.1 => ethereal-0.10.12-1.EL3.1 o ethereal-gnome-0.10.10-1.EL3.1 => ethereal-gnome-0.10.12-1.EL3.1 o evolution-1.4.5-14 => evolution-1.4.5-15 o evolution-devel-1.4.5-14 => evolution-devel-1.4.5-15 o expect-5.38.0-92.2 => expect-5.38.0-92.3 o expect-devel-5.38.0-92.2 => expect-devel-5.38.0-92.3 o fetchmail-6.2.0-3 => fetchmail-6.2.0-3.el3.2 o file-3.39-9 => file-3.39-9.EL3.3 o firstboot-1.1.31-1 => firstboot-1.1.33-1 o freeradius-1.0.1-1.RHEL3 => freeradius-1.0.1-1.1.RHEL3 o gaim-1.2.1-6.el3 => gaim-1.3.1-0.el3.3 o gcc-3.2.3-52 => gcc-3.2.3-53 o gcc-c++-3.2.3-52 => gcc-c++-3.2.3-53 o gcc-g77-3.2.3-52 => gcc-g77-3.2.3-53 o gcc-gnat-3.2.3-52 => gcc-gnat-3.2.3-53 o gcc-java-3.2.3-52 => gcc-java-3.2.3-53 o gcc-objc-3.2.3-52 => gcc-objc-3.2.3-53 o gdb- => gdb- o gedit-2.2.2-4 => gedit-2.2.2-4.rhel3 o gftp-2.0.14-2 => gftp-2.0.14-4 o ghostscript-7.05-32.1.9 => ghostscript-7.05-32.1.10 o ghostscript-devel-7.05-32.1.9 => ghostscript-devel-7.05-32.1.10 o glibc-2.3.2-95.33 => glibc-2.3.2-95.35 o glibc-common-2.3.2-95.33 => glibc-common-2.3.2-95.35 o glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.33 => glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.35 o glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.33 => glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.35 o glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.34.1 => glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.34.2 o glibc-profile-2.3.2-95.33 => glibc-profile-2.3.2-95.35 o glibc-utils-2.3.2-95.33 => glibc-utils-2.3.2-95.35 o gnome-desktop-2.2.2-1 => gnome-desktop-2.2.2-2.2E o gnome-desktop-devel-2.2.2-1 => gnome-desktop-devel-2.2.2-2.2E o gnome-games-2.2.1-1 => gnome-games-2.2.1-5 o gnome-icon-theme-1.0.5-1.E => gnome-icon-theme-1.0.5-2.E o gnome-mime-data-2.2.0-3 => gnome-mime-data-2.2.0-4 o gnome-system-monitor-2.0.5-2 => gnome-system-monitor-2.0.5-4 o gnome-user-docs-2.0.1-3 => gnome-user-docs-2.0.1-4 o grep-2.5.1-24.4 => grep-2.5.1-24.5 o grub-0.93-4.3 => grub-0.93-4.8 o gzip-1.3.3-9 => gzip-1.3.3-12.rhel3 o hotplug-2002_04_01-20.4 => hotplug-2002_04_01-20.5 o hpijs-1.3-32.1.9 => hpijs-1.3-32.1.10 o httpd-2.0.46-46.ent => httpd-2.0.46-53.ent o httpd-devel-2.0.46-46.ent => httpd-devel-2.0.46-53.ent o hwdata-0.101.17-1 => hwdata-0.101.19-1 o initscripts-7.31.22.EL-2 => initscripts-7.31.27.EL-1 o iputils-20020927-11.30.1 => iputils-20020927-11.30.2 o iscsi-initiator-utils-3.6.2-7 => iscsi-initiator-utils-3.6.3-3 o itcl-3.2-92.2 => itcl-3.2-92.3 o kernel-2.4.21-32.EL => kernel-2.4.21-35.EL o kernel-doc-2.4.21-32.EL => kernel-doc-2.4.21-35.EL o kernel-smp-2.4.21-32.EL => kernel-smp-2.4.21-35.EL o kernel-source-2.4.21-32.EL => kernel-source-2.4.21-35.EL o kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-32.EL => kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-35.EL o krb5-devel-1.2.7-44 => krb5-devel-1.2.7-47 o krb5-libs-1.2.7-44 => krb5-libs-1.2.7-47 o krb5-server-1.2.7-44 => krb5-server-1.2.7-47 o krb5-workstation-1.2.7-44 => krb5-workstation-1.2.7-47 o kudzu- => kudzu- o kudzu-devel- => kudzu-devel- o libf2c-3.2.3-52 => libf2c-3.2.3-53 o libgcc-3.2.3-52 => libgcc-3.2.3-53 o libgcj-3.2.3-52 => libgcj-3.2.3-53 o libgcj-devel-3.2.3-52 => libgcj-devel-3.2.3-53 o libgnat-3.2.3-52 => libgnat-3.2.3-53 o libobjc-3.2.3-52 => libobjc-3.2.3-53 o libstdc++-3.2.3-52 => libstdc++-3.2.3-53 o libstdc++-devel-3.2.3-52 => libstdc++-devel-3.2.3-53 o libwnck-2.2.3-1 => libwnck-2.2.3-1.rhel3 o libwnck-devel-2.2.3-1 => libwnck-devel-2.2.3-1.rhel3 o losetup-2.11y-31.6 => losetup-2.11y-31.10 o lvm-1.0.8-12.2 => lvm-1.0.8-14 o make-3.79.1-17 => make-3.79.1-17.1 o man-1.5k-10 => man-1.5k-11.rhel3 o metacity-2.4.55-7.15 => metacity-2.4.55-7.23 o mikmod-3.1.6-21.3 => mikmod-3.1.6-22.EL3 o mikmod-devel-3.1.6-21.3 => mikmod-devel-3.1.6-22.EL3 o mkinitrd- => mkinitrd- o mod_ssl-2.0.46-46.ent => mod_ssl-2.0.46-53.ent o mount-2.11y-31.6 => mount-2.11y-31.10 o mozilla-1.7.7- => mozilla-1.7.10- o mozilla-chat-1.7.7- => mozilla-chat-1.7.10- o mozilla-devel-1.7.7- => mozilla-devel-1.7.10- o mozilla-dom-inspector-1.7.7- => mozilla-dom-inspector-1.7.10- o mozilla-js-debugger-1.7.7- => mozilla-js-debugger-1.7.10- o mozilla-mail-1.7.7- => mozilla-mail-1.7.10- o mozilla-nspr-1.7.7- => mozilla-nspr-1.7.10- o mozilla-nspr-devel-1.7.7- => mozilla-nspr-devel-1.7.10- o mozilla-nss-1.7.7- => mozilla-nss-1.7.10- o mozilla-nss-devel-1.7.7- => mozilla-nss-devel-1.7.10- o net-snmp-5.0.9-2.30E.15 => net-snmp-5.0.9-2.30E.19 o net-snmp-devel-5.0.9-2.30E.15 => net-snmp-devel-5.0.9-2.30E.19 o net-snmp-libs-5.0.9-2.30E.15 => net-snmp-libs-5.0.9-2.30E.19 o net-snmp-perl-5.0.9-2.30E.15 => net-snmp-perl-5.0.9-2.30E.19 o net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.30E.15 => net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.30E.19 o net-tools-1.60-20E.7 => net-tools-1.60-20E.9 o netconfig-0.8.19-1.1 => netconfig-0.8.19-1.2 o nfs-utils-1.0.6-33EL => nfs-utils-1.0.6-40EL o nptl-devel-2.3.2-95.33 => nptl-devel-2.3.2-95.35 o nscd-2.3.2-95.33 => nscd-2.3.2-95.35 o => o => o => o openssh-3.6.1p2-33.30.4 => openssh-3.6.1p2-33.30.6 o openssh-askpass-3.6.1p2-33.30.4 => openssh-askpass-3.6.1p2-33.30.6 o openssh-askpass-gnome-3.6.1p2-33.30.4 => openssh-askpass-gnome-3.6.1p2-33.30.6 o openssh-clients-3.6.1p2-33.30.4 => openssh-clients-3.6.1p2-33.30.6 o openssh-server-3.6.1p2-33.30.4 => openssh-server-3.6.1p2-33.30.6 o openssl-0.9.7a-33.12 => openssl-0.9.7a-33.15 o openssl-devel-0.9.7a-33.12 => openssl-devel-0.9.7a-33.15 o openssl-perl-0.9.7a-33.12 => openssl-perl-0.9.7a-33.15 o openssl096b-0.9.6b-16 => openssl096b-0.9.6b-16.22.3 o pam-0.75-64 => pam-0.75-66 o pam-devel-0.75-64 => pam-devel-0.75-66 o pam_krb5-1.75-1 => pam_krb5-1.77-1 o php-4.3.2-23.ent => php-4.3.2-25.ent o php-devel-4.3.2-23.ent => php-devel-4.3.2-25.ent o php-imap-4.3.2-23.ent => php-imap-4.3.2-25.ent o php-ldap-4.3.2-23.ent => php-ldap-4.3.2-25.ent o php-mysql-4.3.2-23.ent => php-mysql-4.3.2-25.ent o php-odbc-4.3.2-23.ent => php-odbc-4.3.2-25.ent o php-pgsql-4.3.2-23.ent => php-pgsql-4.3.2-25.ent o popt-1.8.2-21_nonptl => popt-1.8.2-24_nonptl o pump-devel-0.8.19-1.1 => pump-devel-0.8.19-1.2 o rarpd-ss981107-14 => rarpd-ss981107-14.30.1 o rdist-6.1.5-35.30.1 => rdist-6.1.5-35.30.2 o redhat-artwork-0.73.2-2E => redhat-artwork-0.73.3-2E o redhat-config-kickstart-2.3.22-3 => redhat-config-kickstart- o redhat-config-netboot-0.1.5-1 => redhat-config-netboot-0.1.26-1_EL3 o redhat-config-samba-1.0.16-2 => redhat-config-samba-1.0.16-5 o redhat-config-users-1.1.18-5 => redhat-config-users-1.1.18-6 o redhat-release-3AS-13.5.1 => redhat-release-3AS-13.6.1 o rh-postgresql-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-contrib-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-contrib-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-devel-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-devel-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-docs-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-docs-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-jdbc-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-jdbc-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-libs-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-libs-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-pl-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-pl-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-python-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-python-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-server-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-server-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-tcl-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-tcl-7.3.10-2 o rh-postgresql-test-7.3.9-2 => rh-postgresql-test-7.3.10-2 o rpm-4.2.3-21_nonptl => rpm-4.2.3-24_nonptl o rpm-build-4.2.3-21_nonptl => rpm-build-4.2.3-24_nonptl o rpm-devel-4.2.3-21_nonptl => rpm-devel-4.2.3-24_nonptl o rpm-libs-4.2.3-21_nonptl => rpm-libs-4.2.3-24_nonptl o rpm-python-4.2.3-21_nonptl => rpm-python-4.2.3-24_nonptl o rpmdb-redhat-3-0.20050512 => rpmdb-redhat-3-0.20050821 o rusers-0.17-40.30.2 => rusers-0.17-40.30.3 o rusers-server-0.17-40.30.2 => rusers-server-0.17-40.30.3 o samba-3.0.9-1.3E.3 => samba-3.0.9-1.3E.5 o samba-client-3.0.9-1.3E.3 => samba-client-3.0.9-1.3E.5 o samba-common-3.0.9-1.3E.3 => samba-common-3.0.9-1.3E.5 o samba-swat-3.0.9-1.3E.3 => samba-swat-3.0.9-1.3E.5 o setup-2.5.27-1 => setup-2.5.27-1.3 o shadow-utils-4.0.3-23.08 => shadow-utils-4.0.3-25.RHEL3 o slocate-2.7-3 => slocate-2.7-3.RHEL3.6 o squid-2.5.STABLE3-6.3E.9 => squid-2.5.STABLE3-6.3E.13 o squirrelmail-1.4.3a-9.EL3 => squirrelmail-1.4.3a-11.EL3 o strace-4.5.9-2.EL3 => strace-4.5.12-0.EL3.1 o sudo-1.6.7p5-1 => sudo-1.6.7p5-1.2 o sysreport- => sysreport- o tcl-8.3.5-92.2 => tcl-8.3.5-92.3 o tcl-devel-8.3.5-92.2 => tcl-devel-8.3.5-92.3 o tclx-8.3-92.2 => tclx-8.3-92.3 o telnet-0.17-26.EL3.2 => telnet-0.17-26.EL3.3 o telnet-server-0.17-26.EL3.2 => telnet-server-0.17-26.EL3.3 o tix-8.1.4-92.2 => tix-8.1.4-92.3 o tk-8.3.5-92.2 => tk-8.3.5-92.3 o tk-devel-8.3.5-92.2 => tk-devel-8.3.5-92.3 o tzdata-2005f-1.EL3 => tzdata-2005k-1.EL3 o unix2dos-2.2-19 => unix2dos-2.2-19.EL.24 o up2date-4.2.57-2 => up2date-4.4.41-3 o up2date-gnome-4.2.57-2 => up2date-gnome-4.4.41-3 o usbutils-0.11-1 => usbutils-0.11-2 o usermode-1.68-5E.3 => usermode-1.68-5E.4 o usermode-gtk-1.68-5E.3 => usermode-gtk-1.68-5E.4 o util-linux-2.11y-31.6 => util-linux-2.11y-31.10 o xinetd-2.3.12-6.3E => xinetd-2.3.12-6.3E.2 o xscreensaver-4.10-8 => xscreensaver-4.10-15 The following packages have been added to Scientific Linux 3.0.6: o emacs-nox-21.3-4.7 The following packages have been removed from Scientific Linux 3.0.6: o nss_db-compat -- Not required by any other package o up2date-update -- Functionality migrated to up2date package ( x86-64 )