Tk/JComboBox version 1.14

CHANGES OVERVIEW: (details below)

  Maintenance release to correct memory leak, and minor documentation

JComboBox is a Combo Box implementation that combines several features of the various Combo Box implementations available for Perl/Tk and attempts to provide a solution that should cover the majority of your Combo Box needs. The implementation tends to skew somewhat towards the Java and Win32 implementation of a Combo Box more than the Motif one.

 Thanks to everyone who has contributed suggestions, code, and any other feedback. I'm not always able to incorporate that feedback, but I've always found it to be helpful. I hope this widget continues to be useful.

CHANGES for 1.14 RELEASE: (Full Change history in Changes file)

1.14 Maintenance/Bug Fixes: (No new features)

   - Issue: bdz (on clptk) reported a problem when choices 
     arrayref contained a selected param for one of the 
     entries (in editable mode). The problem was due to 
     choices method being called prior to the widget 
     options being defined in ConfigSpecs within the 
     Populate method.

     - Resolution: Moved choices call to after the 
        ConfigSpecs definition; tested. Seems fine.

   - Issue: Beno�t Vincente reported obscure problem that
     indicated problems with JComboBox::Tie. After 
     investigation, it appears that when the master
     JComboBox is destroyed, it is not automatically
     removed the tie. This problem is trickier than 
     it appears, partly because of the implementation
     of Tk::JComboBox::Tie and partly because of how
     widget destruction is done in Perl/Tk. 

     - Resolution: Added a few lines to check all 
     JComboBox listeners, to see if they still existed prior
     to sending event notification to each. If a listener
     no longer exists, it is removed, and the reference 
     is undef'd. This appears to fix the case Beno�t 
     reported (which should rarely occur in any case).

   - Minor revisions to JComboBox pod.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:


Optional dependencies (for testing):



Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Rob Seegel (RobSeegel[at]

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.