#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # aa_changelog # $Id: aa_changelog,v 1.4 2002/03/11 12:08:02 hrandoz Exp $ # # Create a self-maintaining document of Andrea Arcangeli's kernel patches. # This is run in directory that has all the sub-patches in an AA release. # The directory also contains all of the diff logs from: # ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/andrea/kernels/v2.[24] # usage: aa_changelog [ -h ] # -h create web page instead of text document. # Things we want for each subpatch: # 1) kernel it first showed up in. # 2) comments in diff_*log # 3) size of sub patch # 4) create a text or html doc with links to sub-patches. use strict; $0 =~ s#.*/##o; # convention is for the sub_patches and difflogs to be in /some/dir/$kver, # so grab kernel version as basename of pwd. my $kver = `pwd`; chomp $kver; $kver =~ s#.*/##o; # $maj_ver = 2.2 or 2.4 my $maj_ver = $kver; $maj_ver =~ s/^(\d\.\d).*/$1/; # Base directory for patches. Individual patches are in $aa_ftp/v${maj_ver}/$kver. my $aa_ftp = 'ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/andrea/kernels'; $aa_ftp = join '/', $aa_ftp, 'v' . $maj_ver, $kver; my ($kernel_version, $sub_patch); # sub_patch without revision, so we can skip sub_patches that are no longer in $kver. my $sub_norev; # sub_patch_file is real sub_patch name without any extra 0 in the revision. my $sub_patch_file; # size of sub_patch my $bytes; # $first_appeared{$sub_patch} = $kernel_version; my %first_appeared; my $html; if (@ARGV) { $html = 1; } # comments for each subpatch # $comments{$sub_patch} = $comment; my %comments; # Andrea's patches start with two digits my @sub_patches = <[0-9]*>; # default to first appearance in current version, unless we # know better. foreach $sub_patch (@sub_patches) { # make revision two digits so sorting is simple. $sub_patch =~ s/-(\d($|\.bz2))/-0$1/; $first_appeared{$sub_patch} = $kver; } my $debug = 0; # create a hash of the sub_patches without revision # so we can decide if a sub_patch is still needed. my %sub_patch; foreach $sub_patch (@sub_patches) { $sub_patch =~ s/-\d+($|\.bz2)//o; $sub_patch{$sub_patch} = $sub_patch; print "\$sub_patch{$sub_patch} = $sub_patch\n" if $debug; } # all diff logs my @diff_logs = <../diff_*>; my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; if ($#diff_logs == -1) { die "$0: Hmm, I didn't find any diff_*logs in ${pwd}/.. : exiting\n"; } elsif ($#sub_patches == -1) { die "$0: Hmm, I didn't find any sub_patches in $pwd: exiting\n"; } my $diff_log; # grab the kernel revision $sub_patch first appeared in. # get comments on each subpatch too. foreach $diff_log (@diff_logs) { open(DIFFLOG, "$diff_log") or warn "$0: Could not open $diff_log: $!\n"; while () { last if /^URL/o; # leave out diffstat in diff_2.4.10aa1_2.4.11pre3aa1.log last if /^--/o; # leave out trailer in diff_2.2.20pre2aa1_2.2.20pre3aa1.log next if /^Jan /o; # leave out oops in diff_2.4.17rc2aa2_2.4.18pre2aa1.log if (/Only in/) { s/Only in (.*):(.*)/$1 $2/o; ($kernel_version, $sub_patch) = split; # make revision two digits so sorting is simple. $sub_patch =~ s/-(\d($|\.bz2))/-0$1/; # we want the first appearance, not the last. if ($first_appeared{$sub_patch} = $kver) { $kernel_version =~ s:/$::o; $first_appeared{$sub_patch} = $kernel_version; } } else { next unless $sub_patch; if ($html) { s//>/go; } $comments{$sub_patch} .= $_; } } $sub_patch = ''; } # html page head if ($html) { print "\nAndrea Arcangeli patches for $kver\n"; print qq(\n\n
\n); print "

Andrea Arcangeli patches for $kver

\n"; print qq(Patch available at\n${aa_ftp}.bz2\n

\n\n); } else { print "Andrea Arcangeli patches for $kver\n"; print "Patch: ${aa_ftp}.bz2\n\n"; } # display the output foreach $sub_patch (sort (keys %first_appeared)) { # chop off the revision print "\$sub_patch = $sub_patch\n" if $debug; $sub_norev = $sub_patch_file = $sub_patch; $sub_norev =~ s/-\d+($|\.bz2)//o; print "\$sub_norev = $sub_norev\n" if $debug; # remove extra 0 in revision $sub_patch_file =~ s/-0(\d($|\.bz2))/-$1/o; print "\$sub_patch_file = $sub_patch_file\n" if $debug; next unless $sub_patch{$sub_norev}; # skip signature files next if $sub_patch =~ /\.sign/o; if (-f $sub_patch_file) { $bytes = (stat($sub_patch_file))[7]; } else { $bytes = 0; } if ($html) { if (-f $sub_patch_file) { print qq($sub_patch_file\n); } else { print "$sub_patch_file "; } print "first appeared in $first_appeared{$sub_patch} "; print " - $bytes bytes" if $bytes; print "\n" } else { printf "%-70s", "$sub_patch_file first appeared in $first_appeared{$sub_patch}"; printf "\t%6d bytes", $bytes if $bytes; print "\n" } if ($html) { if ($comments{$sub_patch}) { print "

		} else { 
			print "\n

\n\n"; } #} else { #print "\n"; } print "$comments{$sub_patch}" if $comments{$sub_patch}; if ($html and $comments{$sub_patch}) { print "

\n"; } print "\n"; } # bottom of web page if ($html) { print qq(
\npage generated by $0 on ); print scalar(localtime), "\n\n\n"; }