[](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-ical/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/App-Greple-ical) # NAME ical - Module to support Apple macOS Calendar data # SYNOPSIS greple -Mical \[ options \] --simple print data in on line --detail print one line data with descrition if available Exported functions &print_ical_simple &print_ical_desc &print_ical_detail # SAMPLES greple -Mical \[ -dnf \] ... greple -Mical --simple ... greple -Mical --detail ... greple -Mical --all --print print\_desc ... # DESCRIPTION Used without options, it will search all macOS Calendar files under user's home directory. With **--simple** option, summarize content in single line. Output is not sorted. With **--detail** option, print summarized line with description data if it is attached. The result is sorted. Sample: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19970901T130000Z-123401@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z DTSTART:19970903T163000Z DTEND:19970903T190000Z SUMMARY:Annual Employee Review CLASS:PRIVATE CATEGORIES:BUSINESS,HUMAN RESOURCES END:VEVENT # TIPS Use `-dfn` option to observe the command running status. Use `-ds` option to see statistics information such as how many files were searched. # SEE ALSO RFC2445 # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro # LICENSE Copyright 2017-2022 Kazumasa Utashiro. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.