GD/Text/Arc version 0.01

This package contains GD::Text::Arc, which is a module to provide a
way to draw TrueType text along a curve (such as around the bottom or
top of a circle).  It is to be used with GD::Text (version > 1.20) and
GD graphics objects.

Sample usage could be:

  use GD::Text::Arc;

  my $image = GD::Image->new(600,500);

  my $gray =  $image->colorAllocate(75,75,75);
  my $boldfont = "Adventure.ttf";
  my $text = "here's a line.";

  my $ta = GD::Text::Arc->new($image, 
                              colour => $gray,
                              ptsize => $size,
                              font => $boldfont,
                              radius => $radius,
                              center_x => $centerX,
                              center_y => $centerY,
                              text => $text, 
                              side => 'inside'
                              orientation => 'clockwise'


  $ta->set('color', $red);
  $ta->set('ptsize', $huge);
  $ta->set('orientation', 'counterclockwise');



To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

   GD (version > 1.20), GD::Text


Copyright (C) 2004 Daniel Allen <>. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.