README for VMS::Priv

Copyright (c) 1997 Dan Sugalski and Linn-Benton Community College
Portions (c) 1997 Charles Bailey

You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License, as distributed
with Perl.

This module lets you add, remove, set and get privileges from running VMS
processes. Like all other perl modules, you need to

mms test

to build and test the extension. If it tests OK, then

mms install

to install it.

While this extension messes around with privileges, NEITHER IT *NOR PERL*
SHOULD BE INSTALLed WITH *ANY* PRIVILEGES! Treat it like a normal perl
extension. Installing the module (or perl) with privs might open up
security holes, so don't do that. Installing it normally will make sure
that normal VMS process security is in force. You can still get into
trouble, but at least you need the privs in the first place to do it.

What's new in 1.31?

1.31 is a bugfix release. The tied hash interface had a bug in it, as did
the tests. (Whoops) Patches provided by Charles Lane. (Thanks, Charles!)