README for RDF-RDFa-Template

This module is the beginning of a suggested simple RDFa-like
templating language. It is not intended to be RDFa, it is intended to
give template writers something that they are familiar with from the
XML world, yet they can use an largely unmodified XML-based
RDFa-parser to do the parsing. In this case, RDF::RDFa::Parser is

For more information about the design of this templating language, see


This is an initial release just to enable a meaningful
discussion. Thus, there are many remaining tasks before this is a
fully functional templating system. If you start experimenting with
writing templates based on this module, it is important that you read
the TODO list in the POD of RDF::RDFa::Template.

The proper forum for discussing implementation details of this module
is this mailing list:
or the IRC channel irc://


You need libxml2, including header files, of at least 2.6.27 for
canonicalisation to work properly, and this dependency is something
CPAN will not bring along, so you will need to get it from your
software distribution or . On some distributions,
this package will be called libxml2-dev og libxml2-devel.


The distribution contains a script that sets up a very simple web
server that can do the transformation and show the results. Where this
script ends up depend on your installation method.

If you have used (cpanm) as a non-root user on UNIX-like
system, you will probably find it in a directory looking like

Another way to find is to use the locate command if it is installed on
your system and access to update its index, you can run sudo updatedb
locate dbpedia-mustang-range.input.xhtml

cd to this directory.

In there, there is a script called Again, if you used as non-root, you will probably do something like
perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/ ./

If everything goes well, you will see a message saying:

"You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/"

Any template files in this directory can now be visited by a browser,
and the script will run the template and perform SPARQL queries to
insert values. For now, there is only one example, see


The script itself is a nice illustration on how to set
up a server to use the templating system.