--- name: Games-Perlwar version: 0.03 author: - 'Yanick Champoux <yanick@cpan.org>' abstract: | Perlwar is inspired by the classic Corewar game. In this game, players pit snippets of Perl code (called 'agents') against each other in order to gain control of the vicious virtual battlefield known as... the Array. license: perl resources: license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ build_requires: Carp: 0 Class::Std: 0 Cwd: 0 File::Copy: 0 IO::File: 0 IO::Prompt: 0 Safe: 0 XML::LibXML: 0 XML::Simple: 0 XML::Writer: 0 provides: Games::Perlwar: file: lib/Games/Perlwar.pm version: 0.03 Games::Perlwar::AgentEval: file: lib/Games/Perlwar/AgentEval.pm version: 0.03 Games::Perlwar::Array: file: lib/Games/Perlwar/Array.pm version: 0.03 Games::Perlwar::Cell: file: lib/Games/Perlwar/Cell.pm version: 0.03 Games::Perlwar::Shell: file: lib/Games/Perlwar/Shell.pm version: 0.03 generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2808 meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.2.html version: 1.2